• Question: What is your favourite part of your job?

    Asked by anon-352215 to Jake, Harriet, George on 28 Feb 2023.
    • Photo: Jake Sales

      Jake Sales answered on 28 Feb 2023:

      My favourite part of a job is finding out what a client wants. You never know what challenges they will throw at you and how inventive you will have to be!

    • Photo: George Foden

      George Foden answered on 28 Feb 2023:

      I like talking to all the different people I get to meet through my job! I mainly work with humanitarian aid workers, to help them with their projects, so that means I usually get to speak with people on the ground in different countries around the world. When they have problems with their shelter and housing reconstruction programmes they need to come up with solutions but they don’t have the time to research and find answers because they’re busy helping people, so we try to support by looking things up for them. That means I always get to learn a lot about different topics!

    • Photo: Harriet Lord

      Harriet Lord answered on 28 Feb 2023:

      I love the variety of knowledge I need – I get to research about so many interesting topics related to sustainability (biodiversity, carbon sequestration, social impact, human health and wellbeing, gender equality, etc.) – and I use this knowledge to advise businesses on the best course of action for them, to improve their impact on the world. It can be really rewarding, especially when you work with businesses who genuinely want to do good.
