• Question: Why are you interested in saving the planet, and what can we do to stop global warming?

    Asked by anon-347830 to Harriet on 21 Feb 2023.
    • Photo: Harriet Lord

      Harriet Lord answered on 21 Feb 2023:

      I’m not sure why some people aren’t interested in this! I think it’s our duty to protect the planet so that future generations can survive (and thrive), as lucky as we are and generations before us.
      I also think we owe it to animal life to protect their home, the planet – they shouldn’t have to suffer because of global warming, something we’ve caused.
      To get quite deep, I think it’s our duty to protect our home, something that is so precious that is the reason we’re alive. Without the Earth, none of us would be here! We should pay back our respect and care for it.

      To stop global warming (and climate change in general, including extreme weather events, extreme temperature changes, rising sea levels, etc.), we can all play a part. Every action, small or big, makes a difference. Some examples include:
      – Try to buy less things you don’t need, e.g. cheap fast fashion items. I love using sites such as Vinted, where people sell their clothes cheaply for their clothes to be re-used. I also wear lots of my mum’s old clothes that are back in fashion again!
      – Try to store food in reusable (e.g. glass) containers, and re-fill them as much as possible, to reduce the amount of plastic you buy and throw away.
      – Take shorter showers, less baths, and turn the tap off when you’re brushing your teeth.
      – Eat less meat, especially beef. And try to buy organic or locally grown vegetables where possible (it is more expensive so it’s difficult sometimes). Also try to eat foods more when they’re ‘in season’ and less when they’re not.
      – Walk and cycle more and take more buses and trains rather than car journeys.
      – Turn off lights and electronics when you’re not using them. This will save you money on your energy bills as well as reduce carbon emissions!
      – Talk to your friends about these changes and why the planet is so important, spread awareness and what you’ve learnt.
      – Try not to let anxiety about global warming and climate change get too much. When you feel anxious about it, take time for yourself to have fun, rest, and remember that you can’t do everything all the time! It’s not ALL your responsibility, although you can make a huge difference!
