πŸ† The first geographer of the week is…

A head shot of human geographer 
George Foden

πŸ₯‡George Foden

George researches the links between post-disaster shelter and housing reconstruction and long-term community resilience.

George received the most votes from the students this week!

πŸŽ‰ Congratulations! πŸ₯³

Students, there are still 2 weeks left of the zone so don’t forget there’s still time to Ask, Vote and Chat!

Who will be the winner?

Students get a new vote every week.

Choose wisely!

Mod Anna and the Human geography Zone team

Posted on February 24, 2023 by in News. 1 comment

One Response to πŸ† The first geographer of the week is…

  1. georgefoden says:

    Thanks everyone! I’m really enjoying answering your questions

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