• Question: What is the most complicated part of human bodies?

    Asked by anon-347851 on 20 Feb 2023.
    • Photo: Vanessa Pilley

      Vanessa Pilley answered on 20 Feb 2023:

      Depends how you define “complicated”

    • Photo: Jack Whittle

      Jack Whittle answered on 20 Feb 2023:

      I’d say the brain. There are more connections in the human brain than there are stars in our galaxy!

    • Photo: George Foden

      George Foden answered on 20 Feb 2023:

      I’d have to agree it’s the brain. Starting from learning psychology in my undergraduate degree I was fascinated by the brain. It’s interesting to think that learning psychology is the human brain trying to understand itself!

    • Photo: Chris French

      Chris French answered on 20 Feb 2023:

      I would say it is the brain because there’s still a lot of about the brain that scientists don’t understand fully yet

    • Photo: Jake Sales

      Jake Sales answered on 20 Feb 2023:

      A good question but I don’t know the answer. I think the brain is pretty complicated. We’ve got robots and computers that can copy what other parts of our bodies do but we’ve not been able to copy how the whole brain works yet.

    • Photo: Harriet Lord

      Harriet Lord answered on 21 Feb 2023:

      I’d probably agree the brain, but as Vanessa said it does also depend on what you define as complicated! There’s lots of body parts we understand pretty well but are very ‘complicated’, and there are parts we don’t understand well at all but that may be due to specific reasons (e.g. not enough funding made available to study this body part/bodily function) – it may not be as complicated as other parts we know more about! I think there’s a lot we still don’t know about the immune system, and also womens’ health (related body parts being that of people assigned female at birth).

    • Photo: Catherine Souch

      Catherine Souch answered on 3 Mar 2023:

      the brain …agree with my colleagues …
